… as the proletariat submits to the specializing forces of bourgeois culture, it also is subject to similar separateness leading to direct contradictions. Thus its trained upper strata and unskilled lower strata are separated, reflected in the two Internationals of our time, one being opportunistic, and the other – revolutionary(); and along with it – «corporative» trends in professional movements, divergence in the programs and tactics of trade unions, worker’s cooperatives and worker’s parties, etc. Even if the objective social and economic tendencies are toward the overcoming of this separateness, the lack of unity of organizational thinking will be a constant obstacle on this path and the obsolete forms of specialized thought will not be defeated here either.
This makes evident the need for universal and general organizational methods, which would put an end to the anarchic split of organizational experience. Certainly, the problem is whether it is possible and can be achieved even now. My work not only gives a positive answer to that, but also provides the starting point for the process. The point of departure is the progressive universalization of methods, which has developed in scientific technology and science since the appearance of machine production.
A. Bogdanov 1912/17
Bogdanov does something quite different: rather than imposed philosophical metaphors onto the life sciences, he asks what can be extracted from the life sciences themselves as diagrams or forms that might explain certain classes of organization. His tektology levels all of knowledge from a hierarchy (in which philosophy imagines itself on top) to a horizontal plane, where any knowledge of any experience might generate a diagram or metaphor that could be tested experimentally in another field. Molecular red, M. wark
nota: cada vez más necesario un análisis de las relaciones político-cognitivas de clase en Argentina, y una ontología crítica del conocimiento.
aún más compleja la situación en un mundo donde las relaciones de especialización están potenciadas y desinstaladas desde arriba, incesantemente, asincrónicamente .
nota en reacción al recorte de clase de los entrevistados en esta nota de Clinamen: https://marencoche.wordpress.com/2017/09/19/clinamen-tomas-en-las-escuelas-secundarias-de-la-ciudad/