Technology for mapping actors
m7red + Florencia Alvarez (editing) and Leonardo Solaas (IT).
Het Blauwe Huis, Amsterdam, The Nederlands, 2006-7.
The Connectivity Office – OfCon: a networking device that registers and empowers connections between public actors through hypothesizing situations.
The OfCon project was an assemblying tool built up during our stay at «Het Blauwe Huis, Housing association for the brain». OfCon was codesigned with Leonardo Solaas, a net artist and programmer and Florencia Alvarez, assistant editor, between 2006 and 2007. OfCon was a development funded by Het Blauwe Huis (NL) and was presented at the «Socially Yours», Alternative networking design seminar, organized by The Community Museum Project (HK) at the Hong Kong Polythechnic University.